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What is the I-80 Mississippi River Bridge study?


Initiated by the Illinois Department of Transportation in conjunction with the Iowa Department of Transportation and under the jurisdiction of the Federal Highway Administration, the I-80 Mississippi River Bridge study is an early stage transportation study. The study brings communities together to examine environmental, community and economic factors tied to the area’s transportation network and identify potential improvements.



What are the study boundaries?


The study includes approximately six miles from the I-88/I-80 interchange in Illinois to 35th Street SW in LeClaire, Iowa.




















Why is this study necessary?


The I-80 Mississippi River Bridge was built in 1967 and is one of three major interstate bridges connecting Illinois and Iowa in the Quad Cities. The bridge does not meet current design standards, and recurring and costly maintenance is required. The roadway features in the study area are outdated, and traffic is growing with associated increases in crashes.



What is the purpose of this project?


Based on the project’s need, the following represents the project’s purpose:


  • Provide a structurally sound bridge over the Mississippi River

  • Improve deficient conditions on existing bridges and culvert

  • Improve roadway geometrics where they are clearly a contributing cause to safety issues

  • Improve safety on I-80 mainline and interchanges



What improvements are being considered?


Based on the project’s purpose and need, the study team has identified, evaluated and narrowed potential improvement alternatives for the I-80 Mississippi River Bridge and corridor, including the I-88 Interchange. Study findings to date and the Preferred Alternative will be presented for public review and input at the November 15, 2023, Public Meeting. 



When will the study conclude?


Consideration of public input and additional evaluation of safety, capacity and infrastructure, is scheduled to continue through mid-2024, when the Phase I study is expected to conclude with a report documenting the entire study process and the Preferred Alternative.



How do I get involved?


Public meetings will be held at key decision-points throughout the study. The project website,, will serve as an information hub for stakeholders to review study information and reports, and allow the public to subscribe for project e-news updates and provide feedback. Public questions and comments may be submitted at any time through the project comment page.



Who is leading this study?


The Illinois Department of Transportation, in conjunction with the Iowa Department of Transportation and under the jurisdiction of the Federal Highway Administration, is the lead agency for the Mississippi River Bridge study.

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